Meet The Drivers

Short introduction to the team of drivers and everyone who is involved. 


Coming from the military I started my adult career studying building services with focus in HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) at the Technical University of Berlin. Which I left with a pre-diploma in engineering, just to become an entrepreneur and start my own business as a CrossFit coach and gym owner.

At the same time I began volunteering for the Berlin Fire Department and eventually became an EMT-A. Later I got the chance to join a Paramedic course that was hosted at the Medical College in Tanzania (at the base of Mount Kilimanjaro) in combination with hospital rotations in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Together with my Paramedic certification I also passed the South African Flight Paramedic course called AHPC (Aviation Healthcare Provider Course).

To this day my passion remains in emergency as much as expedition & travel medicine. That is, why I am currently switching careers to work in EMS full time. At the same time I am relocating, which is why time is short and the project isnt progressing as much as I would like it to.

If you would like to see this progress faster, feel free to support or help by either donating or buying one of my products.

Feel free to contact me through Instagram @florianhaseloff

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